During the Douzelage Youth Meeting in Asikkala a new board has been elected. The new president, successor of Elisabeth Dores, is Ovidiu Oniciuc. He has set out the goals for the new board:
“The main goal of the DouzYouth committee is to build a stronger connection with young people of Douzelage whose network will empower them to be more active as citizens. This is going to happen by:

  • Making European / National funded projects with and for young people from Douzelage community;
  • Creating a Facebook group with participants from previous years to keep in touch with all the generations that took part in at least one General Meeting or a project made by and with Douzelage partners;
  • Posting on the Facebook Group public interest informations, topics related to the European citizenship and upcoming projects to which members can apply to;
  • Creating a Douzelage Youth message system, which will stimulate the youngsters to travel, explore and self-develop themselves;
  • Having a Douzelage Friendship Photo Contest each year focused on the memories and friendships built during our meetings;
  • Creating a feedback system to improve the quality of our meetings everytime.”

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