Our partnertown Siret is close to the border of Ukraine and is fulfilling its role as a warm refuge for Ukrainian people who have taken the difficult decision to leave their homes and flee from the terrible war that hit them so sudden. Siret is doing everything to make life as comfortable as possible for their neighbours who cross the border in large numbers. We are all very proud of Siret and hope we can contribute in any way. We can help by donating to the following organisation:
Beneficiary: Asociatia Ortodoxa Sfintii Imparati Constantin si Elena
IBAN: RO57 RNCB 0241 1502 9941 0001
CIF (financial number): 36076077
Representative: Gabriela Lazarescu

Photo above: Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania visiting the refugee camps in Siret today.

Photo below: If you are wondering what we were doing yesterday at 10 o clock PM, here is the answer. we were celebrating Arina’s birthday in the refugee camp. Is just incredible how do they find the strength to smile..
(news.sky.com: Ukraine invasion: Romanian camp holds surprise birthday party for refugee girl)

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