Agenda Education Meeting Oxelösund

Here you find the Agenda for the Education Meeting during the GM in Oxelösund, you can also dowload the pdf by clicking on the image below.

Agenda Education Meeting in Oxelösund: 10, 11 and 12 May 2018

In the framework of this year’s theme ‘Integration in European Cities’ and tying in to the educators’ discussions in Bad Kötzting, the programme for the Education Meeting covers several aspects of education and integration, under four different headings.
After a brief welcome of all participants in the EM, the group will split up into four workshops, each with its own chair. All workshops will have
three sessions: two on Friday and one on Saturday morning, to discuss the subject in general, to compare the different ways the towns/countries/schools deal with these subjects, and to explore the possibilities for exchange between schools/ towns on the basis of these subjects – or others that the participants would add.

Participants in EM are requested to mail their preference for one workshop to

Any information pertaining to the subjects proposed is most welcome, and will be shared during the workshops.

1. How to best measure/decide upon the starting level of newcomers?
Often, information or diploma are lacking, so where/at what level do receiving schools start? What instruments do teachers use to decide upon skills/knowledge levels of their students, who may not speak any language but their own? How can schools countries help each other in this respect?

2. Second language teaching, which we talked about in Bad Kötzting.
already, is regarded as vital by all countries. What format/teaching method they use differs greatly, as we heard last year. What is the result of the teaching/which method proves succesful, and why? What is the cost to countries/individuals/both? Teachers/schools in the different towns may be able to support each other on this subject.

3. Cultural education, also a call for integration and adaptation, versus respect for different cultural identities.
It may include the changing social constellation as a result of immigration in the receiving country: how do people relate, where do they live, how do they form part of society.

4. Opportunities for e-learning/distance learning, for newcomers as well as for the teachers teaching them.
Can schools/teachers across the borders work together, in existing platforms or new? As all the towns/countries are dealing with the same difficulties and immigrants/newcomers are often from the same countries and cultures, we may be able to share educational ideas and
practices. How to support this/make this easier by using internet would be the general subject of this workshop.

Chojna will pitch an Erasmus+ Youth project to the Education Meeting.

See you soon!
Bert van Doorn and Goran Cengic